The DataCite Statistics webpage. Toggle navigation DataCite Statistics
In addition to the Metadata Store, DataCite has set up an environment for testing all of our services, including the DOI registration. The test environment is a closed system: DOI names registered here are not resolvable with any resolvers other than that of the test system.
Staff. Job opportunities. The work on DataCite Commons is supported by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777523. DataCite¶ Python API wrapper for the DataCite Metadata Store API and DataCite XML generation. We use cookies on our website.
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a. statistik samt API-dokumentation. Genom ett samarbete med Thomson Reuters har DataCite även inkluderats i Data
Informationen i sammanfattning är hämtad ur rapporten för undersökningen: Med anledning av förstärkning av elnätet mellan Bosgården och Luestad i Rystad
We are a leading global membership organization offering reliable persistent data identification. We engage stakeholders including researchers, scholars, data
DataCite XML Export xsi:schemaLocation=""> You can decline non-essential cookies by selecting “Reject”. DataCite Metadata Schema for the Publication and Citation of Research Data. Some are technically necessary, others help us improve your user experience. You can decline non-essential cookies by selecting “Reject”. The DataCite REST API allows any user to retrieve, query and browse DataCite DOI metadata records. In addition, DataCite Repositories can register DOIs and DataCite Members can manage Repositories and prefixes via the API. The API is generally RESTful and returns results in JSON, as the API follows the JSONAPI specification. DataCite Metadata Working Group. Toggle navigation DataCite Statistics
DataCite DOIs help further research and assures reliable, predictable, and unambiguous access to research data in order to: support proper attribution and credit; support collaboration and reuse of data; enable reproducibility of findings; foster faster and more efficient research progress, and; provide the means to share data with future researchers
DataCite Commons currently includes 31,902,257 works, with identifiers and metadata provided by DataCite and Crossref. For the three major work types publication , dataset and software , the respective numbers by publication year are shown below. DataCite is a non-profit international organisation which provides a way for researchers to obtain credit and recognition for sharing their research data. Through our platform you can create digital object identifiers (DOIs) , a type of persistent identifier for your datasets, software and other types of research outputs such as grey literature and conference proceedings. Welcome to DataCite Locate, identify, and cite research data with the leading global provider of DOIs for research data. Locate, identify, and cite research data with the leading global provider of DOIs for research data. DataCite Repository Selector
Within the DataCite metadata record, a Digital Object Identifier is the only permitted primary resource identifier scheme, specified by the individual datacite:doi, that is a member of the class datacite:ResourceIdentifierScheme. 2014-10-22
Crossref and DataCite are forming a working group to explore conference identifiers and project identifiers. If you are interested in joining this working group and in doing some actual work for it, please contact us at and include the text conference identifiers WG …
DataCite wants to help make data more accessible and more useful; its purpose is to develop and support methods to locate, identify and cite data and other research objects. If there are any interruptions in service, a note will be posted here. Subscribing to updates via email, Twitter or RSS feed is the best way to stay informed about any issues affecting availability of DataCite services. DataCite members and repositories upload monthly reports about data usage to DataCite using a standard format (COUNTER Code of Practice for Research Data Usage Metrics and protocol . COUNTER Code of Practice for Research Data Usage Metrics and the DataCite usage reports API were developed in the previous MDC project. The Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, researchers, and other interested parties to promote the unrestricted availability of scholarly citation data. DataCite. A community to host all the material (documents, slides, graphs ) produced by DataCite or presented in conferences. In particular, Event Data brings to light links between publications and data, citations, software, reuse, documentation, etc. DataCite is a global not-for-profit international organization formed in London in December 2009. DataCite is a resource for researchers and librarians to find information about data citations and to keep up on new developments in data citation. Working in e-science and data management, librarians may be called upon to help a researcher locate a specific dataset and help that researcher cite
In addition to the Metadata Store, DataCite has set up an environment for testing all of our services, including the DOI registration. The test environment is a closed system: DOI names registered here are not resolvable with any resolvers other than that of the test system. 2012-05-18
DataCite’s members work with data centers, stewards, libraries, archives, universities, publishers and research institutes that host repositories and who have responsibility for managing, holding, curating, and archiving data and other research outputs.DataCite Profiles. Please register for DataCite services that require authentication
We continuously monitor the status of and all its related services. If there are any interruptions in service, a note will be posted here.
DataCite Commons currently includes 31,902,257 works, with identifiers and metadata provided by DataCite and Crossref. For the three major work types publication, dataset and software, the respective numbers by publication year are shown below.
DataCite. A community to host all the material (documents, slides, graphs ) produced by DataCite or presented in conferences.
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Once it is enabled, whenever a data center submits a new work to DataCite which has your ORCID iD embedded in the work metadata, DataCite will automatically add it to your ORCID record. You can disable DataCite auto-update at any time from your DataCite profile, or by revoking permissions to DataCite from your ORCID account settings.
The properties of the DataCite Metadata Schema are presented in this section. More detailed descriptions of the properties, and their related sub-properties, are provided in DataCite Schema Mandatory Properties and DataCite Schema Recommended and Optional Metadata. There are three different levels of obligation for the metadata properties: