Related Options. Portability Options; GCC-Compatible Warning Options; Floating-point Operations. Understanding Floating-Point Operations. Programming Tradeoffs in Floating-point Applications; Using the -fp-model (/fp) Option; Denormal Numbers; Setting the FTZ and DAZ Flags; Tuning Performance. Overview: Tuning Performance
#BUILDDIR=/tmp/makepkg ##### # GLOBAL PACKAGE OPTIONS # These are default values for the options=() settings ##### # # Default: OPTIONS=(strip docs libtool staticlibs emptydirs zipman purge !upx !debug) # A negated option will do the opposite of the comments below. # #-- strip: Strip symbols from binaries/libraries #-- docs: Save doc directories specified by DOC_DIRS #-- libtool: Leave libtool
This turns off certain features of GCC that are incompatible with ISO C89, such as the asm and typeof keywords, and some predefined macros that identify the type of system you are using. GCC enables this option by default. If you want to force the compiler to check if a variable is referenced, regardless of whether or not optimization is turned on, use the -fno-keep-static-consts option. -fmerge-constants. Attempt to merge identical constants (string constants and floating-point constants) across compilation units. 3.19.59 x86 Options.
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-fconstant-string-class= Options (LD) via a compiler driver (e.g. ' gcc ') then all the linker command-line options should be prefixed gcc -Wl,--start-group foo.o bar.o -Wl,--end-group. Comment Parsing Options. C Language Features. Extensions supported by clang; Differences between various standard modes; GCC extensions not 20 May 2019 The most important option required while compiling a source code file is the name of the source program, rest every argument is optional like a To specify the name of the output file. The executable will be named a.out unless you use this option.
Kvalitet: Bli den första att rösta Engelska. This option uses gcc. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install gcc git bison -opengl es2 -eglfs -device linux-rasp-pi4-v3d-g++ -device-option config: remove unselected RTE_LIBRTE_GCOV option.
GCC and Clang have several warning flags which will enable a collection of useful checks which we will
any later version. GCC is 6, GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under. 7, the terms of the 8, Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later.